Heartlight Gallery – Christian Images

Heartlight Gallery

heartlight free christian images
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A good source of scripture pictures

Link: https://www.heartlight.org/

Why not check out the popular Definitive guide to Christian clip art by clicking here…

HeartGallery logoThe Heartlight Gallery is another great website for Chrisitan images, especially scripture images. They also have a good array of wallpapers. In fact there is much more besides just images on this site, but the graphics they have on offer is the emphasis of this review.

Main content

  • Scripture Images
  • Wallpaper

Scripture Images

The wealth of the content on the site is through their scripture images, basically a picture with a verse from the bible on it. What impressed me more though was the variety. You can get an idea of the images from the small selection below:

Wall paper

You can download an application that will alternate your wallpaper daily between various Heartlight Gallery images. The images are the same in style to the ones above, but this is a nice feature nontheless.


You can search for the images by verse, bible book, whoever created the image, or a keyword. Also, there are sections for highest rated, past favourites or most recent. This makes finding images relateively easy. One thing that might make it even easier would be to have little thumbnails of the pictures on the content sections, rather than having to clikc through to the actual picture.


This is a great website for images with scriptures.


fCr rating:3 stars
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (3 votes)Loading...


  • Good quality images
  • Mixture of designs


  • Primarily just images with scriptures on them


Website: http://www.heartlight.org/cgi/heartgallery.cgi

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