Bible Gateway improvements

bible_study2.jpgBible Gateway have recently announced some improvements to the searching capabilities of their online bibles. Bible Gateway is fantastic online bible study tool which has been reviewed at free Christian resources already, and it is great to see them continue to improve the product.

The new improvement sees and searches now return the results from I have not reviewed yet and it is relatively new having been launched at the end of last year. It is a great concept though, here is how they explain themselves:

It’s a place where content from the hundreds of Christian ministries in the Community can organized their content. The goal is to make the resources of the Community–online articles, music, podcasts, Bible studies, devotionals, and much more–as easy for you to find as possible.

It is well presented and easy to use. I think this will really add to the benefits of using Bible Gateway.

Main website:

2 thoughts on “Bible Gateway improvements”

  1. Hi Brian,

    You are welcome. Bible Gateway is such a great online tool it deserves all the plaudits it gets! I enjoy using it personally, as well as recommending it on this website.

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