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Free Confessions of the Reformed Church audiobook

Christian audio logoThis month’s free audiobook from Christian Audio is the Confessions of the Reformed Church. It will only be available in March so don’t hang around. If you are too late than you can get free text/pdf copies of the individual copies of the confessions as shown in the links at the bottom of this article.

confessions of the reformed Church This includes The Augsburg, The Westminster, and the Heidelberg Confessions. This is perfect if you are interested in an introduction and background of historic Reformed faith.

Here is a very high level synopsis of each book, all of which are very succinctly written:

Augsburg confessions:
“A plea for Christian unity, and a promise that the Lutherans “are neglecting nothing that may serve the cause of Christian unity.”
Westminster confessions:
“The confession is a systematic exposition of Calvinist orthodoxy (which Neo-orthodox scholars refer to as, “scholastic Calvinism”), influenced by Puritan and covenant theology.”
Heidelberg confessions:
Covering three main sections, The misery of man, The redemption of man and the gratitude due from man.


Download page:
Free Heidelberg Confessions:
Free Westminster Confessions:
Free Augsburg Confessions:

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