Free book: What Jesus Demands from the World by John Piper

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What Jesus Demands from the World
by John Piper
Download book | Study guide

Does Jesus make demands of us? If so, what are they?

What Jesus Demands from the World by John PiperNote: The display and/or download of this book is for personal use only and it may not be distributed, duplicated, or used for any commercial purpose.

The verse on the cover of this book says “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me”. Pretty strong words from Jesus, but just what is this authority and how does it impact us and the world? In “What Jesus Demands from the World” John Piper looks at the commands that Jesus gave. However this is not a legalistic list of rules. Rather it is demands that are good for us, demands that will help us drawer closer to Jesus. John Piper says that Jesus’ demands can be summed up as “Trust and treasure me above all.”

Wherever you are in your spiritual walk with Jesus this book is both challenging and thought provoking.

As well as the pdf book, there is also a very useful study guide at the Desiring God website.
To get the free pdf download of “What Jesus Demands from the World” simply go to the Desiring God website at this link and then select the ‘Read this book online (PDF)’ link.

If you would like to hear John Piper’s summary of “What Jesus Demands from the World” then click here or on the media player below:

Here are some quotes about the book:

“This book is a special gift from the pen of John Piper. How long has it been since you carefully reflected upon the authoritative commands of Christ? Through these pages you will encounter the Savior and experience the transforming effects of the gospel. Few endeavors are more worthy of your time.”
C. J. Mahaney, Sovereign Grace Ministries

“This is a peculiar book. It assumes that the four Gospels are true and unified. It assumes that Jesus not only does things for us but also makes demands of us. And it assumes that Jesus has authority over everyone regardless of their religion, gender, race, income, sexuality, nationality, or culture. You will likely not agree with every point. But you will hear from a Jesus who is more than a soft-spoken, effeminate, marginalized, Galilean hippie-peasant in a dress and has the peculiar notion that he alone is Lord.”
Mark Driscoll, Pastor, Mars Hill Church, Seattle

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27 thoughts on “Free book: What Jesus Demands from the World by John Piper”

  1. I purchased this book and would want the whole world to read it. We are so lost without Jesus Christ and it sorrows my heart to know people will miss Him in this life and most importantly, the next.

    Jesus sends His message through the Holy Spirit from time past, He is here in this book telling us to follow Him. Following Him means absolulte submission, love, trust and obedience. Loving Him first means we will do whatever it takes to please Him and recieve His rewards…well, it’s hard to describe the love and peace that rings out of your heart when we obey! He is truly amazing.

  2. Hello Kathy,

    Your response highlights what it is I love about Piper’s books (and sermons etc.). His focus is all about Jesus and what he has done for us.

    What a privilege it is to be a Christian, and yet so often we can take it and Jesus for granted.

  3. ..i want this book and i really appreciate it..thank you God BLESS YOU..if you have free book,that what i want too..thank you..fromPhilippines

  4. Hi David,

    I tried to download this book for free, as it said in your email newsletter, but once you click on the link (on the Desiring God website), it says that it’s broken. :(

  5. I would like love to read Free Book by John Piper but I don’t want download it Please can you give me free book Free book: What Jesus Demands from the World by John Piper
    Thank you.

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  9. its hard to find great material and true believers .please help ! ( i need and want to get to know our father that is in heaven )


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  11. Knowing more about GOD has always been my passion…
    I shall appreciate, if a copy of this mighty book by John Piper: “What Jesus demands from the world” is sent to me via my Post Mail:

    P.O.BOX 26, ILEPA,
    POST CODE: 243001

    Thank you.

  12. Knowing more about GOD has always been my passion…
    I shall appreciate, if a copy of this mighty book by John Piper: “What Jesus demands from the world” is sent to me via my Post Mail:

    P.O.BOX 26, ILEPA,
    POST CODE: 243001

    Thank you.

  13. I like to have a copy of this book. Since its free :). I want know what that book all about . God bless

  14. John piper is one of my favorite Preacher i have heard some of his sermon and i will love to have copy of his books. Be Blessed!
    Gilly Kessy
    P.o.Box 7815 moshi
    Tanzania East africa

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    Pastor. Dhinakaran
    Tamil Baptist Church
    6/111, 26th Street
    M.M.D.A Colony, Maduravoyal
    Chennai – 600 095
    Tamil Nadu, South India

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