Aaron Shust
O come, O come, Emmanuel
Download the song here | Aaron Shust website |
Aaron Shust myspace | Brickman Media
This free Christmas song is courtesy of Brickman Media, and is written by Aaron Shust. Aaron Shust’s version of O come, O come, Emmanuel is a little alternative in its style, which is great. If you like this song, you may also want to listen to Aaron Shust’s song God has come to Earth which was recently highlighted at free Christian resources.
You can get the lyrics for O come, O come, Emmanuel from the post ‘The 40 most popular Christmas hymns’.
Also as a bonus here is a video of Aaron Shust’s version of Silent Night that he posted on his blog. This is a much more traditional version than O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
Find more Christmas songs and resources
You can find more free Christmas songs at the ‘free Christmas songs’ section. You can also find lots of other free Christmas stuff including sermons, advent calendars, music, clip art and much more at the Christmas page. image by rache.
Download the song here:
I have been searching for this song since before Christmas! I am so excited to have finally found it!! Thank you so much!