Resources for Life
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The Covenant Seminary has been around for more than 50 years and its mission is to “train pastors and those who serve beside them for ministry to God’s Kingdom and Christ’s Church”. The “Resources for Life” section of the Living Christ 360 website is the free online source for many of the lectures provided by the Covenant Seminary.
This is a really rich selection of teaching materials including texts, podcasts, mp3s, pdfs and videos often packaged as complete study courses. The pure volume of high quality teaching materials is impressive, and makes this a very useful website to visit if you are embarking on a study.
To get the most value out of the Covenant Seminary lectures it is best to go through complete courses rather than dip in and out. You can get easy access to all of the courses at the iTunes store or the Worldwide Classroom website. Currently the following courses are published (which include in the region of 30 mp3s each):
- Ancient and Medieval Church History
- Apologetics and Outreach
- Biblical Theology
- Calvin’s Institutes
- Christ-Centered Preaching: Preparation and Delivery of Sermons
- Christian Ethics
- Christian Worship
- Francis A. Schaeffer: The Early Years
- Francis A. Schaeffer: The Later Years
- God and His Word
- God’s World Mission
- Hebrews to Revelation
- Humanity, Christ, and Redemption
- Life and Letters of Paul
- Life and Teachings of Jesus
- New Testament History and Theology
- Old Testament History
- Psalms and Wisdom Books
- Reformation and Modern Church History
- Spirit, Church, and Last Things
- Youth Ministry
This really is a fantastic website and it is superb that it is all provided free to help Christians.
If you are sensing a call of God on your life—whether it be to pastoral ministry, some other form of ministry leadership, or simply to enrich your personal understanding of the Bible—we are here to help.
Covenant Seminary quote
Hi, Want some Christian Resource Material for Leadership training in my local church. Anything on Children Ministry? Thanks