Fantastic free Easter pictures

Good quality Easter pictures are tricky to find as they are not so clearly defined as Christmas themes. If you don’t want to have an Easter picture of an egg, chick or bunny what do you do?

To make it easier for you I’ve found nine fantastic free Easter pictures, some of which are photos and some clip art. The pictures are grouped into some of the key themes of Easter. All of the Easter pictures can be used or no cost, but please check the exact terms of use (most require attribution and non-commercial use). Also for high resolution pictures visit the original links for each of the Easter pictures.

Palm Sunday Easter Pictures


Photo by dtcchc

Cross Easter Pictures


have a rest
Photo by izarbeltza


Cross in sky
Photo by peasap

Love Easter Pictures

Resurrection Easter Pictures


The tomb opens
Photo by

The Last Supper


free Christian Easter stuffFind more Easter resources
You can find extra free Easter stuff including sermons, cards, music, clip art, devotions and much more at the Easter page.

image by dtcchc.

2 thoughts on “Fantastic free Easter pictures”

  1. Thanks so much for the beautiful Easter pictures. I was looking for something for a church bulletin board display and these will be wonderful.

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