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Free Jonathan Steingard mp3s – NinteenEightyThree EP

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Jonathan Steingard
NinteenEightyThree EP
Download | Jonathan Steingard website | Jonathan Steingard myspace

Jonathan Steingard is generously providing a free EP featuring four Christian songs. If you liked the previous free Jonathan Steingard highlighted at free Christian resources, then you will probably want to download these great Christian songs. They are a mixture of b-sides and remixes from throughout his career, and I’m really glad to have them added to my collection!

Here are the four free Christian songs provided by Jonathan Steingard on this EP:

  • 1983 (2009 Mix)
  • The Day Everything Changed
  • Kamikaze (Subharmonix Economics Remix)
  • Through The Wires (Ocean A Fog Remix)

The music in question is an EP featuring remixes and b-sides from Jonathan Steingard’s varied solo career. The track-listing:

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