Memorize those bible verses with!

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Memorize bible verses and track your progress… aims to help you memorise bible verses online. As such there are no flash cards to carry around and no software to download. Even if you like to use flashcards you may find this a useful addition as it helps you track how well you are memorizing the passages.

Once you have created account you choose which verses you want to memorise. You can pick from different translations (e.g. ESV NIV, NASB) for each verse you will aim to memorise.

You can then test your knowledge and rank how well you are doing – this will help you see how you are doing over time by tracking your progress.

The layout is very simply and easy to use. All in all, if you struggling to memorize bible verse then could be the just help you need!

3 thoughts on “Memorize those bible verses with!”

  1. Yes, I have found memverse very helpful! I am in the Bible Bee and I recommend it for anyone looking for a better way to study. It’s helping me with 500 verses. They have made a lot of improvements lately, and, best of all, it is free!

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