Free Easter video clips from Jesus of Nazareth

free-movie-clips.jpgWingClips has recently added several video clips from Jesus of Nazareth. These clips would be perfect for any time of year, but the focus of course is even more pertinent during easter.

* The terms of use for WingClips allows clips to be downloaded and used only and solely for the purpose of illustrating sermon messages and/or teachings during free public religious services and/or teaching presentations. Further terms apply as detailed at the WingClips website.

jesus-of-nazareth.jpgJesus of Nazareth – First Stone
Jesus’ well known response to those wanting to stone the adulteress woman… “He among you who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.”
Themes: Hypocrisy, Grace, Sin, Mercy, Judging, Condemnation, Adultery

Jesus of Nazareth – I Can See
Jesus heals a beggar, who has been blind since birth.
Themes: Healing, Miracle, Belief, Life Changing, Light, Reluctance, Transformation

jesus-of-nazareth.jpgJesus of Nazareth – Last Supper
Jesus shares His final meal with His disciples, who partake in the first communion.
Themes: Passover, Communion

Jesus of Nazareth – Leave Him
Jesus casts out an evil spirit from a demon-possessed boy.
Themes: Healing, Miracle, Devil/Demon, Evil, Spiritual Warfare, Plea, Bondage

Jesus Of Nazareth – On the Cross
The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Themes: Sacrifice, Persecution, Prophecy, Love-God’s, Death, Suffering, Forgiveness, Love-Unconditional, Savior, Salvation

jesus-of-nazareth.jpgJesus Of Nazareth – Sinful Women
Jesus’ feet are washed by a woman.
Themes: Forgiveness, Compassion, Faith, Grace, Sin, Mercy, Vulnerability, Hospitality

Jesus Of Nazareth – Tomb is Empty
Jesus appears to his disciples after his resurrection.
Themes: Resurrection, Miracle, Prophecy, Calling, Ministry, Promise, Purpose

4 thoughts on “Free Easter video clips from Jesus of Nazareth”

  1. thank you for propagating the Gospel for all mankind i really learnt a lot in this website, please could send me some of your CDs. thank you i hope to hear from you.

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