Free Chapter from Robert Peterson’s “Election and Free Will: God’s Gracious Choice and Our Responsibility”

Free willYou can grab the first chapter of Robert Peterson’s book “Election and Free Will: God’s Gracious Choice and Our Responsibility” at the WTS website.

Here is a synopsis of the book:

Publisher’s Description: The first book in the Explorations in Biblical Theology series, Election and Free Will helps those who believe in a Reformed view of predestination to better understand their faith. It traces Scripture’s teaching on election through the Bible and explains biblically the doctrine of free will. It tackles objections to predestination and concludes with applications of this neglected biblical teaching.

It is clear, strongly biblically based, and solidly Reformed. This book gives special attention to free will and seeks to apply election to contemporary culture.

4 thoughts on “Free Chapter from Robert Peterson’s “Election and Free Will: God’s Gracious Choice and Our Responsibility””

  1. please send me this book I will be so kind of you as well as other holy and religious books as much as you can I am in research process for studying.
    Syed Mansoor Ali

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