Financial Freedom Sermon Series kit

Financial freedomEd Stetzer’s Grace church is providing one free copy each of a curriculum kit to churches to allow comprehensive financial teaching to be provided. This four week series runs off the back of a recent series that they ran.

The aim of this is not some global fundraiser, but showing Christians how to biblically handle money – a vital thing if you consider the average American spends just over 25% more than they earn ($1.26 for every $1.00).

The material is split into four sections as follows:

  • Week One: God’s Ownership
  • Week Two: Debt’s Dangers
  • Week Three: Greed’s Antidote
  • Week Four: God’s Purpose – Money & Work

It includes complete sermon notes, outline, handouts, powerpoint slides, and also Bible Study Lessons for Adults, Youth and children.

You can order the kit here, or read more about it at Ed’s blog.

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