If you are after some resources for you kids work at church, then the Free children’s ministry deals website could help. Not all of the resources at this website are free, but there is a good selection nonetheless. The resources are aimed at children from 5-12 years old.
To find the free resources, simply scroll down the page and look at the menu on the left, you should then see the Free Resources section. Simple!
Here are some of the best resources currently available:
Sunday School Lessons for Kids
Here you can get access to over 150 free Sunday school sessions. That will last you over three years if you do one session a week! These are not complete courses, but nonetheless is a great selection of children’s ministry resources that can help your church.
Here is a short video that shows a little bit about the style of the sessions.
Free VBS resources
Here is an example of one of the sessions:
3. Lion – Jesus is Strong
Scripture: John 11:17-44, Jesus Raises Lazarus
Lesson for Day #3: When we think of strength and power among the animals, we think of the mighty lion. Jesus is called “the lion of Judah” because he is fierce, strong and powerful. Because he loves us so much, Jesus uses his strength to help us. Jesus is strong enough to forgive our sins and save us from anything.
Free Books of the Bible Children’s Ministry Resources
These selection of the website helps teach children about all 66 books in the bible. It does this over a course of 12 weeks of lessons – you have to pay for the main curriculum, but you can get everything else free. The resources include all posters, flash cards, games (linked to the books of the bible) and would supplement you own sessions.
other Free children’s ministry deals
There are also other changing free offers. At the time of writing this review it has a fathers day kids ministry session – as Fathers day is coming soon.
I really love this program of Sunday school lessons. So I may be blessed if you can help me to grow my church’s Sunday school