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Free Mars Hill music – Ex Nihilo

Free Mars Hill music - Ex Nihilo

fCr rating:4.0 out of 5
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Ex Nihilo
11 songs(and counting!)
Download Page | Mars Hill

This collection of free Christian songs are from Ex Nihilo, who are a worship band at Mars Hill. At the time of this review there are 11 songs were available from Ex Nihilo, you can keep up to date with any new entries at the Ex Nihilo audio feed. Ex Nihilo tend to have more chilled out songs, but this is also partly due to the songs they have included (a few of which are given towards the end of this post).

All of the songs are easy to download, and you can even embed them into your own websites by using the code provided at the download page (see the links above). Below is one of the songs currently provided. It is called Come Ye Sinners:

Here are four of the Christian songs currently available for download:

  • Silent Night
  • Come Ye Sinners
  • O Holy Night
  • Amazing Grace

Mars Hill reserves some rights under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0 License.

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