Free audio bible on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch with

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Listen and read the bible at the same time on your iPhone

Bible is is the free iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch from Faith Comes by Hearing. The main emphasis on the application is listening to a spoken bible, whilst also reading it on the screen at the same time. You need to be online to listen to the audio, but can read any bibles you have downloaded wherever you are.

Languages and bibles

There are 37 languages available, and 63 versions of bibles. The following English translations are available:

  • ESV (Normal)
  • KJV (Normal and dramatised)
  • NRSV (Normal and dramatised)

With 37 languages currently available, a large proportion of the world are covered. Lots of the languages only cover the New Testament, but still this is a fantastic resource – I was impressed to see that even my wife’s native tongue of Cebuano was included! Their target is to make over 450 languages available, and these will be added over time once they are available.


You can tag verses as favourites easily whilst you listen, highlight them one of four colours, or take notes as you listen.

There is not really much else to add on features as the application is very simple. This though isn’t a bad thing, as anything else would be really distracting. It would really break the flow of listening and reading at the same time if you could start checking the meaning of words for instance.


The layout starts with around a third of the screen showing the audio player, although once you start scrolling through the text this disappears to leave a full page of bible text.

It is very easy to navigate and find a bible, and they are all grouped by language so that your downloads don’t get too cluttered. There is also a variety of reading plans available to help you plan your reading.

At lot of care and attention has clearly gone into the design as unlike some bible applications it really does feel at home on the iPhone or iPad. All of the graphical elements and typography are clear and crisp and fit in with the style you would associate with a native apple application. This is no mean feat, and I think they deserve to be commended for this!

4 thoughts on “Free audio bible on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch with”

  1. this is a very usefull site,so that anyone who needs to midetate the words of God but have only a less time,this is the answer.meditating by way of listening.

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