Free Prodigal animation with Sovereign Grace Music

This animation from actionJones is based on 1 John 3:1 and is accompanied by the song Prodigal by Sovereign Grace Music.

A little summary of the video is that:

As humans we, by our nature, run from and hate God and anything that would bind us to Him – Yet in His great love He sent Jesus Christ to bear all our punishment and to bring us into the love filled, all satisfying arms of our Father God.

The video can be used by churches, as long at it is not used to make money or anything like that.

3 thoughts on “Free Prodigal animation with Sovereign Grace Music”

  1. Praise God forever more for the wonderful work done through this animation and song. May the talents that had put forth these works enjoy the richest blessings of our Lord Jesus, and that these works that will be viewed and listened by many will not return void but with our Lord’s Salvation touching deep into their hearts. Amen.

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