Free Spurgeon devotionals in all formats!

Morning & Evening + ‘Faith’ Checkbook (Charles Spurgeon)

free charles spurgeon Christian devotion
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A classic Christian devotion. Rich and thought provoking, and available in almost any format.


spurgeon.jpgCharles Spurgeon’s ‘Morning and Evening’ devotional is one of the best read Christian books. As well as a raft of other books he also wrote ‘Faith’ Checkbook’, another daily devotional. In his lifetime Charles Spurgeon was popular and drew huge crowds to his sermons. Now, he is even better known with his many books read across the world.

Spurgeon’s devotionals are rewarding and challenging to read, and if you’re considering beginning reading a daily devotional I suggest you start here!

If you are not familiar with Charles Spurgeon then the following synopsis from gives an idea why he is still so popular today.

With no formal theological training, British Baptist preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834 – 1892) became the most popular minister of the nineteenth century, regularly attracting crowds of 6,000 each Sunday to his London – based Metropolitan Tabernacle church. In the history of Christianity, no other cleric is more widely read – after Biblical ones – than Spurgeon. He has more material available to readers than any other Christian author, dead or alive.

There is no one website that has either of the devotionals in all of the formats you may want it. However, below I have split out each of the main formats you can access them free:

CalendarMorning and Evening + Checkbook : current day reading on website
If you simply want to see the reading for the current day then the Sermon audio is the place to go. Every day the simply presented entry is automatically updated for the current day.

CalendarMorning and Evening : index on website
For an index where you can click on any entry for any day of the year then Brandon Staggs’ website is perfect. From this page every Morning and Evening entry is just one click away!

CalendarFaith’s Checkbook : index on website
From GospelWeb you can access all of the entires for Faith’s Checkbook over just three pages

RSSMorning and Evening : RSS
Spurgeon’s Daily Devotional is a simple blog that shows the entries each day, with the added advantage that you can subscribe to the RSS feed!

RSSFaith’s Checkbook : RSS
Christian’s Unite have the option of subscribing to Faith’s Checkbook via RSS, just scroll to the bottom of this link…

emailMorning and Evening : email
If you’re not a fan of RSS then you can subscribe to a daily email for the Morning and Evening devotion at Heartlight.

TextMorning and Evening : pdf file
If you would rather have Morning and Evening as just one pdf file to print out or view then Christian Classics Ethereal Library provide this free.

TextFaith’s Checkbook : pdf file
You can get a free pdf copy of Faith’s Checkbook from monergism

PodcastMorning and Evening : podcast/mp3
Unfortunately I could not find a full year of podcast postings, however you can find some at the Learn out Loud website.
Free daily audio (and text) off both Morning & Evening and faith check.

How do you tend to read your Spurgeon devotions? If you use anything not highlighted in the post please leave a comment!

4 thoughts on “Free Spurgeon devotionals in all formats!”

  1. Hi…the link you have above for “Morning and Evening : index on website” from Brandon Staggs doesn’t allow you to access it and gives a “Forbidden” error, fyi.

    I hope you can fix it soon. God bless!


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