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Free Chris Tomlin mp3 – Amazing Grace (My chains are gone)

Amazing Grace - Chris Tomlin

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Chris Tomlin
Amazing Grace
Download | Amazing Grace Sunday Website | Chris Tomlin

Amazing Grace is perhaps the most famous Christian song – and certainly one which has blessed many Christians and helped them draw closer to God. This is a slight reworking of Newton’s classic by Chris Tomlin. The lyrics are are marginally different, here is the opening verse though:

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me,
I once was lost, but now I’m saved,
Was blind but now I see

Truly inspired stuff! Sometimes the old ones are the best ones…


Their website:
Listen to the song in a new tab/window:

Get the original lyrics here:
Get the Chris Tomlin’s adapted lyrics here:

9 thoughts on “Free Chris Tomlin mp3 – Amazing Grace (My chains are gone)”

  1. Hello Agus,

    Unfortunately this is the only version of this song I could find provided at a legal website. I may broaden my search in the future to find good quality versions of Amazing Grace (rather than just Chris Tomlin) as it it one the great Christian songs.

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