Bible Gateway add King James Version Old Testament audio

bible gatewayBible Gateway has now added Max McLean’s “version” of the KJV Old Testament to our audio offerings on This is a superb addition and whilst you may not have heard of Max, you can see from the quotes below he is well respected and a talented orator…

‘McLean offers a clarion voice, precise enunciation, and a storyteller’s instinct for the dramatic moment … more compelling than watching a thousand extras raise the dust in a battle scene.
Richard Christiansen, Chicago Tribune

‘This is a powerful recording. McLean presents … living history. Real people are speaking about real events. … Above all, this is not an academic or reflective reading. McLean’s voice is clear and present. He conveys excitement and conviction, which sweeps the listener into the heart of the word of God.’
AudioFile Magazine3

You might also consider going to the Answers in Genesis website where you can hear a daily bible reading from Mac McLean

Bible Gateway also provide the following guidance on how to access this new audio bible:
The easiest is to follow this link to the audio bibles page. There you’ll find all of our bible audio.
Or, while you’re reading an Old Testament book, chapter, or verse you can click on this icon:

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5 thoughts on “Bible Gateway add King James Version Old Testament audio”

  1. absoutely a fab resource for me in my walk-have read through a year & have begun it a 2nd time -pick up more as i read the 2nd time. our God is unchanged,same today as yesterday- He sees, knows all—its evident by His written word & prophecies written then for today–HIs word is going to be my anchor, my hope-i must know His word. am reading leviticus right now and it is rich in what is important to Him & His people—the laws-statues-testimonies. to know these are to know part of Him & i have only begun to understand these jewish traditions. i have wasted so many years. u have a wonderful resource here! thank u! (audiobiblegateway). -jill

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