free bible on your mobile phone

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Get the KJV on your Java enabled phone

mobile-bible.jpgI recently bought a new mobile phone (a Nokia 6300) and this inspired me to find a free bible application that I could download to it.

If you have a smartphone or a pda there are more substantial bibles available but obviously any software on a normal bible will be limited. However there is fantastic free application called GoBible that will install the KJV onto your mobile phone. It was initially written by Jolon Faichney, although he has had further help to bring it up to the current level.

It is available in plenty of different languages from Finish and Bulgarian to Tagalog and Chinese and plenty more in between.

GoBible is great fun to use, and considering the limitations of packing the whole bible on to a mobile phone it is easy to use. You can navigate either by using the keypad (as explained below) or the ‘Go to’ option.

This was really all I expected from a free mobile phone bible – but GoBible goes much further. You can quickly search for any word in the bible, or bookmark any verses you may want to visit often. There is also a history to let you go back over recent verses you have viewed.

If you have a mobile phone that supports Java you really should get GoBible. It is a great way to have the bible with you on the go, and is written to a very high standard.


There are a few different versions available depending on your phone model. The full bible is over 1mb in size and most Nokia’s don’t accept JAR files this size. Therefore I had to download the bible in two parts.

You can download the software to your computer from the main page. Alternatively got to directly from your phone.

Other usage guidance

GoBible provides the following advice on how to navigate the bible on your phone:

To jump to a verse the Go to screen requires that a phone have left and right arrows. Most Java phones have left and right arrows however I have noticed that some cheaper Nokias only have up and down arrows. If your phone doesn’t have left and right arrows then the * and # keys can be used instead. In addition the book, chapter, and verse can be changed by pressing the following keys whilst viewing a verse:

  • Book: 1 and 4
  • Chapter: 2 and 5
  • Verse: 3 and 6

28 thoughts on “free bible on your mobile phone”

  1. this is great. i did however come accross a cool site of the international bible society at where one can download the more trusted NIV New International Version, one has to pay for it, but i guess it is for a good cause namely to enhance Bible distribution. I am somewhat concerned with the GoBible version you referred to especially in that the KJV language is outdated and reminds of a Shakespeare era and very difficult to understand whereas the NIV is much popular and easier to understand.

  2. Thanks for that link Jonathan,

    It looks like a good option and at about £6 ($12) it is not too expensive. I normally use the ESV and NIV, as you say they are easier to understand with our modern language.

    However, I do know some people actually prefer the KJV.

  3. its not working ………i cannot download it properly…………….if u can send me at my mail…..plz do send………….d working one………..

  4. The NIV is not a better or “more trusted” version as Johnathan states. It is actually a gross perversion and the work of the devil. If one finds it difficult to read the KJV, as even I do at times, I would plead with them to try the NKJV as it is very well written while sticking to the true manuscripts and keeping a literal interpretation. The NIV does neither of those but seeks to remove the blood of Christ Jesus. Don’t believe me? Look it up for yourself. I’m sure you know how to use Google.

  5. Hi Matthew,

    I would certainly disagree that the NIV is the work of the devil. All of the translations we use have their limits and weaknesses and the only true way to read the bible exactly as it was intended is in the original Greek and Hebrew. Obviously this is well past most of our abilities!

  6. Just get over the translations and read your bible. Pick one that makes sense to your vocabulary knowledge. But most importantly read the bible.

  7. this is really good…GoBible deserves to be supported by Christians all over the world… to its developers, i give my warmest thanks… God bless your hearts!

  8. hello …..
    its very good .
    iam using KJV bible in my nokia6300 phone..

    is there ESV or NIV versions…?

    please send me links if any..

    thank u.

  9. Hi Bros n Sis, try bible4phone dot com at and click on the jar link at the appropriate Bible Version you require. Any version you are comfortable reading with IS alright. Happy reading…
    After downloading the .jar file to the computer, use Bluetooth, USB cable, or infrared to transfer file to the mobile. Alternatively, access the site directly from the mobile.
    Note that some mobile devices do not support installation of big jar files. There would be a limit to the installation size. If you have a Nokia phone, check the limit at

  10. i have downloaded from an niv version but i dont know how to install it in my nokia 5800.. can somebody teach me plssss… thanks!=)

  11. hi to all! i have downloaded from an niv version but i dont know how to install it in my nokia 5800.. can somebody teach me plssss… is any other application needed to be downloaded before it can be installed? thanks!=)

  12. hi to all! i have downloaded from an niv version…

    but i dont know how to install it in my nokia 5800..

    can somebody teach me plssss…

    is there any other application needed to be downloaded before it can be installed? thanks!=)

  13. hi ! have somebody nkjv bible for nokia 2700 classic? if you have then please share this with me. may God bless you.

  14. hi,I have a track phone that is the only one my mom will let me have. I was just wondering if you can get the bible on track phones? thats the only one i am going to be getting, i would like to have the bible on my phone. thanks

  15. The NKJV would be the bible I recommend. It is the mos accurate for bibles concerning out modern language. The NIV and other newer bibles leave a lot of important words out and in some cases a lot of detail.

  16. Pls i downloaded the kjv bible to my nokia c1-01, but it dosen’t open only writing “format not supported”. What can i do? As i realy need a bible, any version, on my nokia c1-01 phone pls help me.

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