
free Christian resources was launched in May 2007. The inspiration for free Christian resources lay behind how difficult I found it to find good quality Christian resources that are free. Searching with Google brings up such a huge list of results that all of the real gems are often hidden.

free Christian resources aims to help you by promoting content that is:


The definition of free here is that it will not cost you anything. You may have to sign up to a newsletter or leave a link on your website giving credit to the provider. For more details on the type of websites that may be include check out the free section on the FAQ page.


No resources promoted at free Christian resources are done so illegally. This is primarily achieved by only linking to resources that the providers want to be shared freely.

It is your responsibility to ensure you do not misuse the resources as often they are only provided for personal use (e.g. free songs and books) or for use in spreading the gospel. For more details on this please visit the legal section on the FAQ page.

If you find any resources on this website that you think may be illegal please contact me immediately and I will investigate.


free Christian resources will only link to high quality Christian resources. Of course everyone’s definition of what is high quality will be different, but the underpinning focus is that you will not be sifting through hundreds of dubious links to find the good resources. This is helped by adding both a free Christian resources rating and a user rating to most items.


This almost goes without saying! The only resources included that are not strictly Christian are those that may still be of use to Christians. For instance Flickr is not a Christian website, but can be a great source of images for Christian websites.

If you have an ideas for the site please contact me.
