about me

about me

My name is David Sawyer and I’m in my early thirties and live in Stratford, East London, UK. I became a Christian in my mid 20s and attend the same NewFrontiers church that I was at when I asked Jesus into my life.

fCr logoI am married with two young children (one more on the way!) and work full time as an accountant for a major UK charity. As you can imagine, trying to fit writing for ‘free Christian resources’ around a full time job, a family and a church life is rather challenging!

about my church

I attend Church for the City – East London. It is a Newfrontiers church covering East London. Click on either of the links to get more information.

We also meet each week on a Wednesday in Stratford. If you are interested in coming along please email me davidmsawyer@gmail.com

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